Our Seasonal Maintenance Pest Control Service is effective in controlling the following pests: Ants, Spiders, Silverfish, Crickets, Beetles, and Roaches.
The service provides you with an Exterior Residual Spray on each visit. (We will also treat indoors, should you need it, for a minimal additional charge.) We also sweep off exterior spider webs. Then, every other month we'll re-apply the Exterior Barrier, and knock down any new spider webs. Since this service is done on the outside of your home, you won't have to schedule any appointments.
If you have any pest problems indoors between visits, just call. With our services, you're covered - and at no extra charge!
We call this a "Seasonal" service because we only service exteriors from March through October, when most outdoor pests are active. Usually, no services are needed from November through February, when colder weather suppresses the outdoor insect populations. We do require that you stay on the program for a minimum of 4 visits in order to receive the special pricing.
You can choose to pre-pay for your complete Season, or you can choose to pay each visit. It's up to you!
We accept Cash, Personal Checks, Money Orders, Visa and MasterCard. We even accept payments through PayPal!